
Mark Johnson's occasional & opinionated podcast about family strategy boardgames

Sunday, August 28, 2005

BGTG 32 - SR: Torres online, Fjords, Carcassonne:Princess & Dragon

Though I've missed the past three Santa Clarita Boardgamers sessions (drat), I've still had a few opportunities for playing games. Here are some opinions about those, including a new play-by-web offering, Torres.

Also, I hadn't included any email (or voicemail!) feedback for a while, so it was starting to pile up. Rather than cut that short, I decided to move the feedback segment of the show to the end. That way, the listeners who are only interested in the game opinions can easily skip the feedback, and the rest can just listen to it all. Afterward, I thought how similar that is to the Letters column near the end of Counter magazine (and before that, Sumo). I bet I'll be doing it this way from now on.


Torres at Boîte à Jeux
Carcassonne:Princess & Dragon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice review of Fjords! I've also enjoyed this game. One thing, there are only 3 starting tiles, rather than 4 as you mentioned.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I really wasn't looking to get Princess & Dragon, although my wife loves Carc and we'll probably get it some time anyway. But I like the way Carc keeps making improvements to the system. So far, I've liked Ark of the Covenant the best (haven't tried King/Scout), because it fixed several things:
1. simplified city score - 2/tile, even for 2-tile cities
2. easier farm scoring - like Hunters & Gatherers, score based on sheep instead of area control/cities
3. something to do when you draw a bad tile - move the ark
4. nice touch with the cloister --> temple change: thematic needing a cross-shape to complete, and you have to do more than just get lucky drawing tiles ... you have to have control of the surrounding area.

The Princess/Dragon/Faerie rules sound like an interesting change, although I don't play enough Carc to really care about it all that much.

Good episode!

2:58 PM  

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