
Mark Johnson's occasional & opinionated podcast about family strategy boardgames

Saturday, September 22, 2007

BGTG 71 - Sept. 19, 2007 - SR & Feedback (Settlers Dice, Canal Mania, Dschungelschatz)

A chance to talk about some games I've played recently: one light game, one gamer game, and one kid game. I also talk about ordering overseas using, a new experience for me. Plus some recent feedback.



Settlers of Catan Dice Game
Canal Mania

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Help me save an audio interview?

The last time I asked for help here, a listener in Germany enabled me to get a copy of Saturn, the beautiful wooden balancing game by Theta. Thanks again, Olav!

Now I've got a different sort of plea. Recently you've heard me say that I actually have some recordings made earlier in the year that were never posted. One of them, an interview with art & graphics professional Mike Doyle, is great material that I'd really like to get out to all of you. There's a problem with the audio, however, and unless that can be cleaned up I don't think it's fair to Mike to post it. (A show I did early in this podcast's history never got the audience it deserved because of audio quality issues.)

I wasn't able to clean up the show sufficiently using my audio editing tool (Audacity). Maybe someone else has more powerful tools that could do the trick, however. If you've got those tools and are willing to help, drop me a line and I'll get you the audio file.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

BGTG 70 - Sep 9, 2007 - Light Wargames

Did ya miss me?

Sorry it's been so long! Doug Garrett smoked me out recently, interviewing me for his podcast, and giving me the little encouragement/kick to get podcasting again. I've got at least two more podcasts recorded from some time ago, but I wanted to record a fresh one tonight to lead-in with an explanation of where I've been for half a year.

As it happens, besides playing all of my usual eurogames and more games with my kids, I also managed to play several light wargames in the past month. That's worth a podcast. In this one I talk about We The People, Axis & Allies: Bulge, Quebec 1759, and Lightning: D-Day. In those four I get to talk about the original CDG (card-driven game, like Twilight Struggle), a plastic figure + hexmap semi-traditional wargame, the original block wargame (like Hammer of the Scots), and a very quick, almost euro-ized card game about a WW2 battle.
