BGTG 79 - SR & Feedback (Play By Web games)

Waaaaay back in show #3 I covered play-by-web boardgaming. I've touched on it since then, and for this show it's "where" my game session took place. That is, on the web, against a variety of friends, playing a variety of games. I spend the most time talking about Mykerinos on Mabiweb, mostly due to the excitement of having a new play-by-web game to try. But I also touch on several more, including new ones at new sites (Des Jeux sur Plateau, Ludoholic), and new ones at old sites (
Then I round out the show with some feedback from recent and not-so-recent episodes.
I'll be working on another SR & Feedback show next, this one covering games played the normal way (face-to-face!), as well as audio feedback.
P.S. In the very beginning of the show I also reflect on the games that debuted the one year I made it to the Gathering of Friends, back in 2004. It's always interesting for me to look back at early impressions to see which games have proved to be keepers. In this instance, I think it was a great year. From that introduction, I still own & play my copies of Ticket To Ride, Hansa, Einfach Genial, San Juan, and St. Petersburg. Goa and Power Grid are two heavier games I don't own (but should own PG!). Sunken City was the notable stinker, but that was clear from the first play (same with Oh Pharaoh and the rest of that small line). Dos Rios is the one I was & still am on the fence about. I guess I have to admit that it's not a keeper. In fact I've never owned it. But it's a good idea, interesting mechanics, and a game I "almost really enjoy."