BGTG 78 - Back in the saddle

I still need to do a feedback show to go through a backlog, but today I couldn't wait for that. You see, I've had a break in my busy schedule--or at least an attitude adjustment after a recent vacation--and just needed to record a podcast again. I'm playing some more games, catching up on some podcast listening, and wanted to share some thoughts about recent games. This particular show happened to have more talk about a couple wargames: Hammer of the Scots over email with Paul Tevis (of the Have Games, Will Travel podcast), and Duel In The Dark played face-to-face. I know the latter is marketed as more of a Euro game, published by Z-Man, but I think it's at least as much of a wargame, albeit a light one with flashy components. Really, I think it's a good example of a wargame/euro hybrid. Oh, I talk about some other games, too, such as another look at Kingsburg, and my first play of Take It To The Limit.