Once again, I hope people are reading the blog as well as listening to the podcast. Because I often think of things I missed after the podcast is finished. (It's not just me--the host for the
highly recommended BBC Radio 4 program
In Our Time does the same thing via post-show emails.)
I really want to talk about the family gaming (and other non-gamer gaming) I've been doing lately, but that show takes a little more prep. Hopefully next week. Also, I haven't forgotten that I still owe everyone more explanation about my lack of enthusiasm for Hacienda and Elasund. What can I say? The SdJ jury agrees with me! :-) Ok, cheap shot. I'll still share this as part of that "Dave Arnott leftovers" show.
By the way, I've all but given up on playing Vassal anytime soon. Now I've actually got two people who have volunteered to help me (or learn with me). And I still want to do that. However, it's going to only be a little bit at a time. (Because if I had more time than that to poke around on the computer regarding boardgames, I'd be recording more podcasts!!) For the moment I've let my play-by-web games wind down to completion, taking a break from starting other ones up. But I'll definitely get back into those again, especially when a new game is added to the lineup.
Oh, and you've got to read this butchered english translation of the rules to Safeknacker. Clearly, this is a machine-translation with minimal touching up for idioms. It begins...
Hey, let us gather hot cash! We have a beautiful society of evil boys here: safecrackers by occupation. Five worthy families contend in the not quite voluntary teamwork.
And the ending is just as good!
...The game ends as soon as all safes are cracked. Now cash is counted the carried off. The winner, with the most hot cash in their pocket, is more or less enviously celebrated. However only briefly, because immediately Schimunsky comes and snatches you anyway. Then in the clink - fraternally unites - could they dare a game-ette again...
I don't mean to tease. I'm just tickled to see this, having struggled with a few translations myself. After you type all that German in, pipe it through babelfish or something, you're just happy to get something out the other side that lets you play the game. You've got no energy left to deal with this.
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