
Mark Johnson's occasional & opinionated podcast about family strategy boardgames

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

BGTG 44b - Nov.23, 2005 - My own BGG.con impressions (part 2)

[Nothing went wrong when I published the last show without a full proof-listen beforehand, so I'm doing it again. This isn't supposed to be my regular practice, but the holidays are upon us, family is coming to visit, and I fear if I don't publish this show now it will be another week before I get the chance. So out it goes. As before, if something is wrong please let me know immediately and I'll do what I can to fix it. -Mark]

The second part of the show about BGG.con itself is where I get to talk about everything but the games. Of course, the games still work their way into the discussion somewhat, but this is mostly about transporting to & from the con, the hotel, the local restaurants and public transportation, as well as the organization, facilities, and schedule for the convention itself.


P.S. Forgot to say in the podcast that I could certainly do without the guys dressed in costume. I think they were all associated with a publisher who was marketing a particular fantasy-themed game. Call me a curmudgeon, but I don't think much of adults walking around in court jester and pirate costumes. There's way too much of that at geeky American cons already. You want to start getting more wives & girlfriends into this hobby? Seriously? Ditch the costumes.

Dealy Plaza
DART (Light rail system map--BGG.con was right at the Pearl station)
Chuys (Tex-Mex restaurant)
Games: Verräter, Die Fugger, Travel Settlers of Catan, Ballast, Havoc, Tempus, Mission: Red Planet


Blogger jaywowzer said...

AMEN! on the costume comment.
I agree wholeheartedly.

now to listen to your show...

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate for my first post to be one that posts out a glitch, but since you asked for it, in the beginning of the podcast there's some screwy editing--the past about Dallas liking to go to bed early--looks like you recorded, didn't like it and re-recorded it, but both clips are in there.

Now that that is out of the way, I gotta say your podcast is definitely my favorite among the board game 'casts. I agree with the Jim Lehrer analogy, and that's why I like it. I enjoy the one man show (but appreciate the different voices now and then), and look forward to each episode very much, whether it be an "all about", session report, or general theme show. You mentioned on one show about possibly doing an all about show on Crokinole (I dont remember when that was, Im going out of order, but Im almost caught up). I'd enjoy that very much, as I just purchased a board myself.

Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for making my commute painless, and keep up the great work!


10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure about the costume=bad thing. Have you never heard of the Society for Creative Anachronisms? They all do the costume thing, and they seem to have no shortage of female participants. Besides, playing into the stereotypes, isn't sewing and costume-making typically a female thing?

11:38 AM  
Blogger dave said...

(1) I HATE people eating and drinking while playing games. That said, it's not like people are going to go hungry. They WILL find food, and, when the only choices are fast food, they will bring it back and stink up the game room with grease.

(2) I like the seminar idea for BGG.CON, but I'm not sure there are enough people there yet to support it. My local con has about 500 attendees, but the seminars/panels (which are mostly RPG-based) have extremely sparse attendance.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Mark Johnson said...

I don't think the seminars need large attendance to be worthwhile. Even at BGG, I could imagine "seminars" on

* podcasting given by Derk, Aldie, and myself
* History of BGG by Derk & Aldie
* Game design & publishing by Sunriver
* Q&A session with Days of Wonder

and so on.

10:02 PM  

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