BGTG - April 22, 2005 (Family boardgaming)
This show is all about playing boardgames with your family. Well, with my family. A family who isn't as blown away by strategy boardgames as I am, they still humor me from time to time. They even enjoy some games now and then. The small audio session report tacked on the end is mostly about a mega Carcassonne game I played before El Grande last week.
On the technical front, I changed some of my recording settings that should clear up the problem some reported when burning the previous shows to CD. Let me know if that's true. After experimenting with some different MP3 bitrates, I still went with a moderate one that keeps my file size down. The audio quality would go up a little bit if I went for a higher bitrate, but the file size easily doubles. I could do that--should I?
Also, the show's length increased again. That's not a problem for me if it's not a problem for my listeners. There's got to be some upper limit, though, and I'd guess that I'm getting close. I think I'd like to show come in closer to a half hour. Maybe I can get there with practice, including choosing my topics with that in mind. I'd also expect for there to be longer and shorter shows (as the subject requires), there being no time requirement when podcasting.
Even though I've said I prefer email feedback, it occurred to me later that using the comment form here on the web might create more of a "listener community." Email still works fine, but feel free to use the comment forms, too. Especially if you have something to say that others may resonate with.
Games mentioned on the show: Scrabble, Fluster, Get the Goods, Bohnanza, Candyland, Mall Madness, Star Munchkin, Queen's Gambit, Epic Duels, Clash of the Lightsabers, Star Wars - Attack of the Clones Card Game, Assault on Hoth, Battle for Endor, Drunter & Drüber, Big City, Battleball, Raj, Würmeln, Kapitän Wackelpudding, Hick Hack in Gackelwack, Mäuse-Rallye, Apples to Apples Jr., Cluzzle, Quarto, Zenix, Pylos, Blokus, Rumis, Tohuwabohu, Schicki Micki, Emerald, Through the Desert, Sizimizi, Zapp Zerapp, Flowerpower, Tally Ho!, Die Fugger, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, and Coloretto.
(I know I missed a few, but that should cover most of them!)
Other links
Shannon Appelcline's review of Carcassonne:The Computer Game
Email Mark Johnson
I agree that simple games can help kids learn basic procedural processes that we take for granted. Processes such as rolling a die, taking turns and moving pieces. I used to think that any game with decision making is better than one without - a view shared by many people (including Tom Vasel I believe). However little kids actually *like* roll-and-move games, possibly because at very young ages, say under 4, they don't have much decision making ability. So now I think sometimes a roll-and-move is all you need.
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