
Mark Johnson's occasional & opinionated podcast about family strategy boardgames

Sunday, April 19, 2009

BGTG archives going ALL the way back...

A podcast listener recently posed this question about easy access to the BGTG archives.

I'm a long time listener but ever since my iPod was decommissioned I've been away. Now that I've got a new one, I'm trying to catch up with previous episodes but I've hit a small snag - iTunes (or rather BGTG's feed on iTunes store) only shows the 10 most recent files [. . .]

Not that this is really a problem, since I can manually download each file, but they show up as regular music files on iTunes and not as Podcasts (alongside the most recent shows). I've looked all over on how to make these downloaded files be grouped together with those available via subscription but there's apparently no way (short of buying a Mac to run a AppleScript hack or creating a fake Feedburner feed with a modified hosts file).

Soooo, I was wondering if you could please make all files available via iTunes (update the XML?). This way, after searching for the show on iTunes Store, I could manually select the podcasts I'd like to download before hitting the "Subscribe" button. It seems all files are already available via Libsyn, so there wouldn't be new costs involved. As an extra benefit, new listeners (as well as old a****-retentive users like myself) could be able to select what to hear, like a special all-about show or a particular theme. How about that?
I know how to do this. A setting in my blog hosting software will allow up to 500 blog entries to be listed on the front page. As I recall, that will reset iTunes into listing them all again. The only trouble is that it might start automated downloading of all those old episodes for ALL of my listeners, not just the ones who are actively seeking them. Some people may be unhappy about the inconvenience of it all.

I'd like to see if anyone knows how to solve this request another way. The listener who wrote me is willing to dig back through the BGTG archives--he just needs a way for them to show up as podcasts on his MP3 player, not just as generic music files.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second this. I am new to your enjoyable podcast and I would love an easier way to access your "classic" podcasts. It is a pain to go back through the archives, save it and input it into itunes.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, just browsing past and noticed a plea for "how can we get individual mp3 files into itunes as painlessly as possible".

You can use to create an rss feed where the items in the feed are mp3 files, which is another way of saying "a podcast".

Here's one I made earlier:

If you subscribe to that url in itunes (Advanced->Subscribe to Podcast), you should see a couple of episodes from the BGTG archives. (And likewise for whichever other podcast software you listen to: not just itunes).

You can read here to see how that works:, and google for assorted blog entries by people who have, like me, rediscovered this over the last few years.

So, with a bit of effort, you could tag some or all of the mp3 urls from the BGTG archive in using the same tag, and giving each item a sensible name, e.g. BGTG 65, BGTG 66, etc. For the test, I used the tag "bgtgarchivetest", so I would humbly suggest "bgtgarchive" might be acceptable.

You can then construct the url as above to create an rss feed of all music files tagged with bgtgarchive:

Subscribe to that url in itunes, and you should then get archived BGTG mp3 files loading up into itunes automatically.

It should work for anyone tagging the mp3 files with that tag. It does not need a particular user in to do so. As more mp3s are tagged in with that specific tag, anyone who has subscribed to the rss url will get the mp3s loading automatically into itunes.

It is quite a bit easier to tag the mp3 files in and let the rss automation kick in and do the rest, than to pull in each mp3 file manually into itunes.

Hope this helps.


3:19 PM  
Blogger Justus said...

Hell I just found your podcast and I'm loving it! I was wondering maybe you could just start a seperate "BGTG Archive" RSS feed on Itunes so us new listeners could just go there and d/l all the old podcasts on Itunes?

Otherwise I'll happily just work through your archives manually!

6:51 AM  

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