
Mark Johnson's occasional & opinionated podcast about family strategy boardgames

Saturday, October 02, 2010

In case the podcast blows up...

You should know that I'm still here. And by "blows up," I just mean that the feed may disappear from iTunes, or stop showing podcasts attached at all.

Or it may be just fine.

Either way, Boardgames To Go is still going strong, just publishing erratically as usual. All that's happening is that I'm transitioning the hosting location and blog/podcast feed details from a multi-site mess to something that's much cleaner and more integrated. That's for my convenience, and (hopefully) to your benefit as well once it allows BGTG's 5-year show archive to be available in iTunes.

I tried fiddling with the first part of this transition, and I think I may have screwed something up. That's why I'm posting this. I'm an engineer, but not THIS kind of engineer, and I'm pretty confused about these settings! It may take me a little while to sort it all out. I think the podcast will continue in its current form while I work on it, but if it disappears for some reason, you'll know why . . . and know that it's temporary.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anticipating you Essenanticipation show as always.
Peter F

12:06 PM  
Blogger Mark Johnson said...

Yikes! How long do I have until that?

Oh, ok, it's not until the 21st of the month. Just like last year, I've got a business trip scheduled a week or two before that. Those boring evenings in the hotel are a great time for podcasting. :-) I'll do it then.

12:15 PM  

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